School Board

Lake Gwelup Primary School

The Lake Gwelup Primary Board is a body of people dedicated to helping the school achieve the best educational outcomes and experiences for our students.

The School Board has representatives from the staff and parent body. We also have community members with skills and experience that benefit the Board and the school.

We meet twice each term, and members are elected for two years. Positions become available from time to time, and the Principal will call for nominations. Positions will be advertised through public notice either on Connect or, if it’s a staff position, by announcement at a staff meeting. School community members are welcomed to an annual Open Meeting in the second semester of each year.

The Board’s role is to take part in:

  • Contributing to the school’s Business Plan
  • Monitoring the school’s performance in achieving the set objectives and priorities in the Business Plan;
  • Endorsing and reviewing the annual budget
  • Endorsing and reviewing the Codes of Conduct for students at the school.

The Board also has a role in determining the dress code for students in consultation with the school community and promoting LGPS in the broader community. From time to time, it also reviews and approves:

  • Annual school fees, charges, contributions and items of personal use (booklists)
  • Extra optional components to support educational programs; and
  • Any agreements or arrangements for advertising/sponsorship in relation to the school.

However, it’s important to point out that the School Board does NOT take part in any day-to-day management of the school or its staff. For example, it cannot:

  • Employ staff, decide which classes students will be assigned to, or resolve issues relating to individual teachers, students or parents.
  • Intervene in the educational instruction of students.
  • Exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school or
  • Intervene in the management or operation of a school fund.

Board Members


Shaalayne Khambatta

Staff Representatives

Carol Bellouard, Jodi Piercey (Deputy Principal), and Lynne Anderson (Principal)

Parent Representatives

Paul Newton, Peter Peeling, Grant Rosman and Yvonne Sims

Community Representatives

Tim Richards, Centre Manager, Karrinyup Shopping Centre

Dr Patricia Kiddey, Principal Consultant, Department of Education- Statewide Services, Leadership Institute

Nurturing personal excellence and proactive
citizenship within a unique community.